Marco Mehl

Associate Professor

Department of Chemistry, Materials, and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano

Phone: +390223993283

Fax: +390270638173

Research interests

Development of chemical kinetic mechanisms for the combustion of a wide range of hydrocarbon fuels, bio-fuels and pollutants formation. Application of these mechanisms to problems such as combustion in homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI), gasoline and diesel engines. Study of the interactions among fuel components and their impact on engine operation.

Selected publications

Mehl M., T. Faravelli, E. Ranzi, D. Miller, N. Cernansky, “Experimental and kinetic modeling study of the effect of fuel composition in HCCI engines”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32, 2843-2850 (2009)

Mehl M., G. Vanhove, W. J. Pitz, E. Ranzi, “Oxidation and combustion of the n-hexene isomers: A wide range kinetic modeling study”, Comb. & Flame 155, 756-772 (2008)

Mehl M., A. Tardani, T. Faravelli, E. Ranzi, G. D’Errico, T. Lucchini, A. Onorati, D. Miller,N. Cernansky, “A Multizone approach to the detailed kinetic modeling of HCCI combustion”, SAE 2007-24-0086 (2007)

D’Errico G., T. Lucchini, A. Onorati, M. Mehl, T. Faravelli, E. Ranzi, S. Merola, B. M.Vaglieco, “Development and Experimental Validation of a Combustion Model with Detailed Chemistry for Knock Predictions”, SAE 2007-01-0938 (2007)

Mehl M., T. Faravelli, F. Giavazzi, E. Ranzi, P. Scorletti, A. Tardani, D. Terna, “Detailed chemistry helps understanding of octane numbers and gasoline sensitivity”, Energy & Fuels. 20, 2391–2398 (2006)

Mehl M., T. Faravelli, E. Ranzi, T. Lucchini, A. Onorati, Giavazzi, P. Scorletti, D. Terna, “Kinetic Modeling of Knock Properties in Internal Combustion Engines”, SAE 2006-01-3239 (2006)

Mehl M., T. Faravelli, E. Ranzi, Giavazzi, P. Scorletti, D. Terna, G. D’Errico, T. Lucchini, A. Onorati, “Kinetic Modeling Study of Octane Number and Sensitivity of Hydrocarbon Mixtures in CFR Engines”, SAE 2005-24-077 (2005)

Cuoci, A., M. Mehl, G. Buzzi-Ferraris, T. Faravelli, D. Manca, E. Ranzi, “Autoignition and burning rates of fuel droplets under microgravity”, Comb. & Flam. 143, 211-226 (2005)

Mehl M., A. Marongiu, T. Faravelli, G. Bozzano, M. Dente, E. Ranzi, “A kinetic modeling study of the thermal degradation of halogenated polymers”, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 72, 253–272 (2004)