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A.L. Bodor, B. Franzelli, A. Stagni, A. Cuoci
Impact of Reduction of Chemistry on Soot Formation and Evolution in Laminar Flames
2017 SIAM International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Orlando (FL) (2017)
Z. Li, A. Cuoci, A. Sadiki, A. Parente
Large Eddy Simulation of non conventional combustion regimes
2017 SIAM International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Orlando (FL) (2017)
A. Cuoci, A.E. Saufi, A. Frassoldati, D.L. Dietrich, F.A. Williams, T. Faravelli
Flame extinction and low temperature combustion of isolated fuel droplets of n-alkanes
36th International Symposium on Combustion, Seoul, Korea (2016)
B. Franzelli, A. Cuoci, A. Stagni, M. Ihme, T. Faravelli, S. Candel
Numerical investigation of soot-flame-vortex interactions
36th International Symposium on Combustion, Seoul, Korea (2016)
A. Stagni, L. Esclapez, P.B. Govindaraju, A. Cuoci, T. Faravelli, M. Ihme
The role of preferential evaporation on the ignition of multicomponent fuels in a homogeneous spray/air mixture
36th International Symposium on Combustion, Seoul, Korea (2016)
A. Cuoci, M. Maestri
Detailed homogeneous and heterogeneous kinetics in OpenFOAM
11th OpenFOAM Workshop 2016 Guimaraes, Portugal, (2016)
M. Bracconi, A. Cuoci, M. Maestri
CatalyticFOAM and ISAT for the efficient simulation of fixed bed catalytic reactors
11th OpenFOAM Workshop 2016 Guimaraes, Portugal, (2016)
A.E. Saufi, A. Cuoci, B. Franzelli, A. Frassoldati
Soot evolution in a laminar flame perturbed with a planar vortex
XXXIX Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Napoli, Italy (2016)
A. Bodor, B. Franzelli, A. Cuoci
Numerical modeling of soot formation and evolution in laminar flames: the limits of hybrid method of moments
XXXIX Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Napoli, Italy (2016)
A. Shamooni, A. Cuoci, T. Faravelli
Large Eddy Simulation of non-premixed combustion with detailed chemistry
XXXIX Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Napoli, Italy (2016)
A. Frassoldati, A. Cuoci, T. Faravelli, E. Ranzi
Kinetic mechanism of acetic acid combustion
XXXIX Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Napoli, Italy (2016)
A. Stagni, M. Brancato, A. Frassoldati, A. Cuoci, T. Faravelli, E. Ranzi
Real-gas an real-mixture effects in the evaporation of multicomponent surrogate fuels
XXXIX Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Napoli, Italy (2016)
Franzelli, B., Cuoci, A., Stagni, A., Saggese, C., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ihme, M.
Accounting for strain rate effects in soot modeling of turbulent flames
15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Avignon (France) (2015)
Salenbauch, S., Pollack, M., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Saggese, C., Faravelli, T., Hasse, C.
An Eulerian bivariate soot model based on a method of moments
7th European Combustion Meeting, Budapest (Hungary) (2015)
Gentile, G., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.
CFD modeling for pyrolysis of thick biomass particles
38th Meeting of The Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Lecce (Italy) (2015)
Pelucchi, M., Frassoldati, A., Ranzi, E., Faravelli, T.
Oxidation of C3 and n-C4 aldehydes at low temperatures
38th Meeting of The Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Lecce (Italy) (2015)
Pelucchi, M., El Ziani, A., Mensi, M., Ranzi, E., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T.
Kinetic modeling of the low temperature cool flames of acetaldehyde in a well stirred reactor
38th Meeting of The Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Lecce (Italy) (2015)
Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.
Numerical modeling of auto-ignition of isolated fuel droplets in microgravity
35th International Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco (2014)
H. Jin, W. Yuan, Y. Wang, Y. Li, A. Cuoci, A. Frassoldati, T. Faravelli, F. Qi
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of laminar coflow diffusion methane flames doped with 2-butanol
35th International Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco (2014)
Pelucchi, M., Somers, K.P., Burke, U., Saggese, C., Frassoldati, A., Ranzi, E., Curran, H.J., Faravelli, T.
Kinetic Modelling of Biofuels: Pyrolysis and Auto-Ignition of aldehydes
International Conference on Biomass, Florence (Italy) (2014)
Frassoldati, A., Cuoci, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.
CFD simulation and emission estimation from helicopter engines
Greener Aviation: Clean Sky breakthroughs and worldwide status, Brussels (2014)
Cuoci, A., Malik, M.R., Parente, A.
edcSimpleSMOKE: a new OpenFOAM combustion solver based on the Eddy Dissipation Concept
23rd “Journées d’Etude” of the Belgian Section of the Combustion Institute, Brussels (2014)
M. Bissoli, A. Cuoci, A. Frassoldati, T. Faravelli, E. Ranzi
Kinetic modeling of HCCI combustion
Joint Meeting of the French and Italian Sections of the IFRF and The Combustion Institute, Pisa (Italy), Paper A4, (2014)
A. Stagni, A. Frassoldati, A. Cuoci, T. Faravelli, E. Ranzi
Coupling sensitivity analysis and reacting flux analysis for optimal mechanism reduction
Joint Meeting of the French and Italian Sections of the IFRF and The Combustion Institute, Pisa (Italy), Paper A22, (2014)
G. Gentile, A. Cuoci, A. Frassoldati, T. Faravelli, E. Ranzi
A comprehensive numerical tool for the advanced modelling of pyrolysis, combustion and gasification of biomass
Joint Meeting of the French and Italian Sections of the IFRF and The Combustion Institute, Pisa (Italy), Paper B14, (2014)
S. Ferrario, C. Saggese, A. Frassoldati, A. Cuoci, E. Ranzi, T. Faravelli
Sensitivity analysis on soot formation and PSDFs
Joint Meeting of the French and Italian Sections of the IFRF and The Combustion Institute, Pisa (Italy), Paper C13, (2014)
G. Gentile, S. Colzi, A. Cuoci, A. Frassoldati, T. Faravelli, E. Ranzi
A comprehensive particle-based model for the biomass pyrolysis
CAPE Forum 2014 Computer Aided Process Engineering, Milano (2014)
A. Cuoci, A. Frassoldati, T. Faravelli, F.A. Williams
Cool flames in microgravity droplet combustion
29th American Society for Gravitational and Space Research and 5th International Symposium for Physical Sciences in Space, Orlando (USA) (2013)
Cuoci A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.,
Numerical simulation of laminar coflow flames with detailed kinetic mechanisms
Proceedings of the Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Çesme, Izmir, Turkey, pp. 1-12 (2013)
Frassoldati, A., Tavelli, S., Borghetti, F., Derudi, M., Iuliano, R., Gandini, P., Cuoci A.
Full-scale fire tests in the Morgex north tunnel
Proceedings of the Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Çesme (Turkey), pp. 1-13 (2013)
Pelucchi, M., Somers, K. P., Burke, U., Saggese, C., Yasunaga, K., Frassoldati, A., Ranzi, E., Curran, H.J. , Faravellli, T.
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of C3-C5 n-aldehydes auto-ignition and pyrolysis in shock tubes
Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting, Lund (Sweden) (2013)
M. Maestri, Cuoci A.
Towards a first-principles approach to chemical reaction engineering
XIth European Congress on Catalysis, Lyon (2013)
M. Maestri, Cuoci A.
Towards a first-principles approach to chemical reaction engineering
23rd North American Catalysis Society Meeting, Louiseville, USA (2013).
Saggese, C., Cuoci A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.
Gas Phase Kinetics of Volatiles from Biomass Pyrolysis. Note II: Furan, 2-methyl-furan, and 2,5-dimethylfuran
Proceedings of XXXVI Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Isola di Procida (NA), pp. 1-6 (2013)
Borghetti, F., Gandini, P., Iuliano, R., Frassoldati, A., Cuoci A., Derudi, M., Tavelli, S.
Real scale tunnel fire: experimental test inside the Morgex tunnel – Autostrada A5
Proceedings of XXXVI Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Isola di Procida (NA), pp. 1-6 (2013)
Bissoli, M., Frassoldati, A., Cuoci, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.,
Kinetic modeling of the low temperature reactivity of n-butanol
Proceedings of XXXVI Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Isola di Procida (NA), pp. 1-6 (2013)
Cuoci A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.
Cool flames in droplet combustion
Proceedings of XXXVI Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Isola di Procida (NA), pp. 1-6 (2013)
Saggese, C., Frassoldati, A., Cuoci A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.
A Comprehensive Modeling Study of Soot Formation from Different Fuels
Proceedings of European Combustion Meeting 2013, Lund University, pp. 1-6 (2013)
Jin, H., Cuoci A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Wang, Y., Li, Y., Qi, F.
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of PAH formation in coflow diffusion n-butanol doped methane flames
Proceedings of European Combustion Meeting 2013, Lund University, pp. 1-6 (2013)
Cuoci A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.
Numerical Modeling of Laminar, Reactive Flows with Detailed Kinetic Mechanisms
Fourteenth International Conference on Numerical Combustion, San Antonio (USA) (2013)
Stagni A., Cuoci A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.
Fully Coupled Approach for Predicting Pollutants Formation Through Reactor Network Analysis
Fourteenth International Conference on Numerical Combustion, San Antonio (USA) (2013)
Frassoldati, A., Maffei, T., Ongari, D., Cuoci A., Faravelli, T., Pierucci, S., Ranzi, E.
A Chemical Approach to Biomass Gasification
Proceedings of 20th EU BC&E, Milano, pp. 1048-1057 (2012)
Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Jin, H., Wang, Y., Zhang, K., Glarborg, P., Qi, F.
Experimental and detailed kinetic modeling study of PAH formation in laminar co-flow methane diffusion flames
34th International Symposium on Combustion, Warsaw (Poland) (2012)
M. Maestri, Cuoci A.
Efficient coupling between microkinetic modeling and CFD
22nd International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering ISCRE, Maastricht, The Netherlands (2012)
M. Maestri, Cuoci A.
Efficient Coupling Between Microkinetic Modeling and CFD: Towards a Fully First-Principles Catalytic Chemical Reaction Engineering
AIChE Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA (2012)
M. Maestri, Cuoci A., S. Matera, K. Reuter
From atoms to eddies: a novel general approach to chemical reaction engineering
Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Berlin (Germany) (2012)
Manenti, F., Papasidero, D., Cuoci A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Pierucci, S., Ranzi, E., Buzzi-Ferraris, G.
Use of detailed kinetic models for multiscale process simulations of sulfur recovery units
XXXV Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute. p. 1-6, ISBN: 9788888104140, Milano (2012)
Saggese, C., Frassoldati, A., Cuoci A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.
A kinetic modeling study of the oxidation and combustion of aromatic species
XXXV Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute. p. 1-6, ISBN: 9788888104140, Milano (2012)
Stagni, A., Cuoci S., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.
Effect of clustering on reactor network models
XXXV Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute. p. 1-6, ISBN: 9788888104140, Milano (2012)
Galletti, C., Tognotti, L., Frassoldati, A., Cuoci A.
CFD simulation of the oxy-NG experiments in a 3 MW furnace
XXXV Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute. p. 1-6, ISBN: 9788888104140, Milano (2012)
M. Derudi, S. Tavelli, A. Frassoldati, A. Cuoci
CFD modeling of road tunnel fires
XXXV Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute. p. 1-6, ISBN: 9788888104140, Milano (2012)
Cuoci A., Maestri M.
Coupling between microkinetic modeling and CFD
Seventh OpenFOAM Workshop, Darmstadt (Germany) (2012)
Cuoci A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.
laminarSMOKE: A computational framework for the modeling of laminar flows with detailed kinetic mechanisms
Seventh OpenFOAM Workshop, Darmstadt (Germany) (2012)
Cuoci A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.
OpenSMOKE: numerical modeling of reacting systems with detailed kinetic mechanisms
XXXIV Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Roma, pp. 1-6 (2011)
Cuoci A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.
Numerical modeling of laminar coflow flames with detailed kinetics
XXXIV Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Roma, pp. 1-6 (2011)
Frassoldati, A., Cuoci A., Borghetti, F., Gandini, P., Juglair, R., Bacco, G.D., Deffeyes, M., Castellan, M.
CFD modeling and experimental activity on real scale tunnel fires
XXXIV Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Roma, pp. 1-6 (2011)
Cuoci A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.
Modeling of soot formation in kerosene turbulent jet flames
Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting, Cardiff (UK) (2011)
Frassoldati, A., Cuoci A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.
Global kinetic mechanism of kerosene combustion for CFD applications
Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting, Cardiff (UK) (2011)
Van Geem, K.M.V., Cuoci A., Frassoldati, A., Pyl, S.P., Marin, G.B., Ranzi, E.
An experimental and kinetic modelling study of pyrolysis and combustion of acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) mixtures
Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Chia Laguna (2011)
Shabanian, S.R., Derudi, M., Rahimi, M., Frassoldati, A., Cuoci A., Faravelli, T.
Experimental and numerical analysis of syngas mild combustion
XXXIV Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Roma, pp. 1-6 (2011)
Frassoldati A., A. Cuoci, T. Faravelli, E. Ranzi, S. Colantuoni, G. Cinque, M. Kern, S. Marinov, N. Zarzalis, I. Da Costa, C. Guin
Fluid dynamics and detailed kinetic modeling of pollutant emissions from lean combustion systems
GT2010, p. 1-9, ISBN: 9780791838723, Glasgow (UK) (2010)
Frassoldati A., Grana R., Cuoci A., Faravelli T., Ranzi E.
A wide range kinetic modelling study of laminar flame speeds of reference fuels and their mixtures
International Conference on “Processes and Technologies for a Sustainable Energy”, Ischia (2010)
Cuoci A., Frassoldati A., Faravelli T., Ranzi E., Candusso C., Tolazzi D.
CFD simulation of a turbulent oxy-fuel flame
International Conference on “Processes and Technologies for a Sustainable Energy”, Ischia (2010)
Cuoci A., Leoni, E., Frassoldati A., Faravelli T., Ranzi E.
Non-adiabatic Steady Laminar Flamelet Model (SLFM) in OpenFOAM
Fifth OpenFOAM Workshop, Gothenburg (Sweden) (2010)
Cuoci A., Patriarca D., Frassoldati A., Faravelli T., Ranzi E.
Soot formation in turbulent, non-premixed flames using OpenFOAM
Fifth OpenFOAM Workshop, Gothenburg (Sweden) (2010)
Cuoci A., T. Faravelli, A. Frassoldati, R. Grana, S. Pierucci, E. Ranzi, S. Sommariva
Mathematical modelling of gasification and combustion of solid fuels and wastes
Pres09 – 12th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving, Rome Italy, p. 989-994, ISBN: 9788895608044 (2009)
Frassoldati A., Cuoci A., Faravelli T., Ranzi E., Candusso C., Tolazzi D.
Simplified kinetic schemes for oxy-fuel combustion
Proceedings of S4FE2009 – International Conference on Sustainable Fossil Fuels for Future Energy, Rome pp. 1-14 (2009)
Frassoldati A., A. Cuoci, T. Faravelli, E. Ranzi, S. Colantuoni, P. D. Martino, G. Cinque, M. Kern, M. S., N. Zarzalis
Fluid dynamics and detailed kinetic modeling of pollutant emissions from lean combustion systems
MCS6 Sixth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium. p. 1-11, Ajaccio, France (2009)
Frassoldati, A., Cuoci A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.
Kinetic modeling of the oxidation of ethanol and gasoline surrogate mixtures
MCS6 Sixth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium. p. 1-11, Ajaccio, France (2009)
Frassoldati A., Sharma P., Cuoci A., Faravelli T., Ranzi E.
Kinetic and Fluid Dynamics Modelling of a Methane/Hydrogen Jet Flames in Diluted Coflow
Proceedings of ECM 2009 Fourth European combustion meeting, Vienna Austria, pp. 1-6 (2009)
Parente A., Cuoci A., Galletti C., Frassoldati A., Faravelli T., Tognotti L.
NO formation in flameless combustion: comparison of different modeling approaches
Proceedings of ECM 2009 Fourth European combustion meeting, Vienna Austria, pp. 1-6 (2009)
Grana R., Bordogna A., Cuoci A., Frassoldati A., Faravelli T., Pierucci S., Ranzi E.
Devolatilization and Combustion Regime in Gasification of Solid Fuels
The Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Naples Italy, pp. III3,1-III3,6 (2009)
Sommariva S., Cuoci A., Frassoldati A., Faravelli T., Pierucci S., Ranzi E.
Mathematical Modeling of Entrained Flow Reactors
The Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Naples Italy, pp. III4,1-III4,6 (2009)
Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.
Soot formation in unsteady counterflow diffusion flames
32th International Symposium on Combustion, Montreal (Canada) (2008)
Barendregt S., Van Goethem M., Risseeuw I., Frassoldati A., Faravelli T., Cuoci A., LI, X.
The design of ultra-low NOx critical furnaces
Proceedings of the 8th European conference on industrial furnaces and boilers, Vilamoura (Portugal), pp. 1-16 (2008)
Cuoci A., Faravelli, T., Frassoldati, A., Ranzi, E.
Sooting propensity of gasoline and biofuel droplets
Advanced Atmospheric Aerosol Symposium, Napoli (Italy), pp. 233-240 (2008)
Cuoci A., Faravelli, T., Frassoldati, A., Ranzi, E.
Frequency response of counterflow diffusion flames to strain rate harmonic oscillations
Advanced Atmospheric Aerosol Symposium, Napoli (Italy), pp. 313-320 (2008)
Dupont C., Cances J., Chen L., Commandre J.M., Cuoci A., Pierucci S., Ranzi E.
Biomass pyrolysis: kinetic modeling study and experimental validation under high temperature and flash heating rate conditions
18th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Lanzarote (Canary Islands), pp. 2008-2008 (2008)
Cuoci A., Frassoldati A., Faravelli T., Ranzi E.
Dynamic Analysis of Counter-flow Diffusion Flames
31st Combustion Meeting, Torino Italy, pp. VI2,1-VI2,6 (2008)
Frassoldati A., Cuoci A., Faravelli T., Ranzi E., Artesiano D., Valenza M., Sharma P.
Experimental and modelling study of low-NOx industrial burners
31st Combustion Meeting, Torino Italy, pp. IX2,1-IX2,6 (2008)
Frassoldati A., Cuoci A., Faravelli T., Ranzi E.
Kinetic Modelling of Ethanol Effect on Gasoline Combustion Properties
31st Combustion Meeting, Torino Italy, pp. IV2,1-IV2,6 (2008)
Cuoci A., Faravelli T., Frassoldati A., Granata S., Migliavacca G., Ranzi E., Sommariva S.
A General Mathematical Model of Biomass Devolatilization. Note 1. Lumped kinetic models of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin
XXX Meeting on Combustion, Ischia (NA), pp. VI2-1-VI2-6 (2007)
Cuoci A., Faravelli T., Frassoldati A., Granata S., Migliavacca G., Ranzi E., Sommariva S.
A General Mathematical Model of Biomass Devolatilization. Note 2. Detailed Kinetics of Volatile Species
XXX Meeting on Combustion, Ischia (NA), pp. VI3-1-VI3-6 (2007)
Cuoci A., Frassoldati A., Faravelli T., Ranzi E., Accordini C., Toniato G.
Experimental and Modeling Study of NOx Formation in a Turbulent Gasoil Burner
XXX Meeting on Combustion, Ischia (NA), pp. II9-1-II9-6 (2007)
Cuoci A., Faravelli T., Ranzi E., Smith J.P.
Effects Of Turbulent Fluctuations On The Numerical Predictions Of Soot Formation And Oxidation In Turbulent Non-Premixed Flames Using A Coupled Radiation/flamelet Model
2007 AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, pp. 1-6 (2007)
Cuoci A., Frassoldati A., Faravelli T., Ranzi E.
Frequency Response of Counterflow Diffusion Flames to strain Rate Harmonic Oscillations
5th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Monastir (Tunisia), p. 1-12 (2007)
Frassoldati A., Cuoci A., Kanoczova B., Faravelli T., Buzzi-Ferraris G.
Kinetic Modeling of Soot Formation in Turbulent Flames
10th International Congress on Combustion By-Products and their Health Effects. Ischia (Italy), June 17-20, p. 119-135 (2007)
Cuoci A., Frassoldati A., Faravelli T., Ranzi E.
Fluid dynamics and kinetic aspects of syngas combustion
29th Meeting of the Italian Section of The Combustion Institute, Pisa (Italy), pp. IV6-1-IV6-6 (2006)
Cuoci A., Faravelli T., Mehl M, Paratico T., Ranzi E.
Modeling of the evaporation and combustion of jet fuel droplets under microgravity conditions
European Combustion Meeting. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, pp. 51-56 (2005)
Frassoldati A., Cuoci A., Faravelli T., Buzzi-Ferraris G., Ranzi E., M. Valenza
Optimal design of burners and furnaces with CFD simulations and detailed kinetics
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on High Temperature Air Combustion and Gasification (HiTACG), Essen (Germany), pp. 68_61-68_69 (2005)
M. Mehl, Cuoci A, T. Faravelli, Ranzi E., Kazakov A., Dryer F.L., Yozgatligil A., Park S., Choi M.Y.
Combustion of ethanol fuel droplets in microgravity conditions
20th ILASS Europe International Conference, Orleans (France), p. 289-294 (2005)
Valenza M., Frassoldati A., Cuoci A., Faravelli T., Ranzi E.
NOx formation in burners firing gases with low calorific value. An experimental and modeling study
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on High Temperature Air Combustion and Gasification (HiTACG), Essen (Germany), pp. 47_41-47_10 (2005)