Multi-modal flame structure

Multi-Modal Flame Structure under Autoignitive Conditions

Context and Objectives

In practical systems, combustion does not occur in asymptotic limits of non-premixed flames, premixed flames, or autoignition but rather in multiple modes that interact. In canonical configurations, multi-modal combustion is critical in the stabilization of lifted jet flames. In this project, a series of partially premixed DME/air laminar counterflow flames at elevated pressure will be computationally investigated. The simulations will be performed for several temperatures and mixtures. The aim is to investigate multi-modal combustion regimes, specifically, quantifying the dominant chemical pathways using data-driven to differentiate between non-premixed, premixed flame propagation, and autoignition.

Methods and Tools

Basic knowledge of Python. Basic knowledge of C++ (or Fortran) and OpenFOAM framework.


This thesis project is done in collaboration with Prof. Temistocle Grenga (University of Southampton). A maximum period of 12 weeks at University of Southampton can be planned.

Alberto Cuoci