Reduced kinetic mechanisms

Download here our detailed kinetic mechanisms for hydrocarbon fuels

The kinetic schemes provided by CRECK Modeling at Politecnico di Milano are hierarchically organized: moving from the “Hydrogen mechanism” up to the “Complete mechanism: low and high temperature”. All the schemes are self consistent, i.e., they already include the previous submechanisms. All the mechanisms are available with or without NOx reactions. All these mechanisms are in CHEMKIN format, they are compatible with version 3.6.2 and above.

The mechanisms are freely available.

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Reduced mechanisms

Stagni, A., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.

Skeletal mechanism reduction through species-targeted sensitivity analysis

Submitted to Combustion and Flame (2015)

Stagni, A., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E.

Lumping and reduction of detailed kinetic schemes: An effective coupling

Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (22), pp. 9004-9016 (2014)

DOI: 10.1021/ie403272f

E. Ranzi, A. Frassoldati, A. Stagni, M. Pelucchi, A. Cuoci, T. Faravelli

Reduced Kinetic Schemes of Complex Reaction Systems: Fossil and Biomass-Derived Transportation Fuels

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 46(9), pp.512-542 (2014)

DOI: 10.1002/kin.20867

Download everything

Download all the reduced kinetic mechanisms described in this section

n-heptane mechanism

Reduced mechanism for pure n-heptane (with low temperature)

n-heptane reduced mechanism (Version 1410, October 2014)

Reduced mechanism for pure n-heptane (with low temperature).


Kinetic mechanism (106 species, 1738 reactions)


Transport properties

List of species


References for reduced mechanisms

Stagni, A., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Skeletal mechanism reduction through species-targeted sensitivity analysis, Submitted to Combustion and Flame (2015)

Stagni, A., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Lumping and reduction of detailed kinetic schemes: An effective coupling, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (22), pp. 9004-9016 (2014), DOI: 10.1021/ie403272f

Ranzi, E., Frassoldati, A., Stagni, A., Pelucchi, M., Cuoci, A., Faravelli, T., Reduced kinetic schemes of complex reaction systems: Fossil and biomass-derived transportation fuels, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 46 (9), pp. 512-542 (2014), DOI: 10.1002/kin.20867

n-dodecane mechanism

Reduced mechanism for pure n-dodecane (with low temperature)

n-dodecane reduced mechanism (Version 1410, October 2014)

Reduced mechanism for pure n-dodecane (with low temperature).


Kinetic mechanism (130 species 2323 reactions)


Transport properties

List of species


References for reduced mechanisms

Stagni, A., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Skeletal mechanism reduction through species-targeted sensitivity analysis, Submitted to Combustion and Flame (2015)

Stagni, A., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Lumping and reduction of detailed kinetic schemes: An effective coupling, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (22), pp. 9004-9016 (2014), DOI: 10.1021/ie403272f

Ranzi, E., Frassoldati, A., Stagni, A., Pelucchi, M., Cuoci, A., Faravelli, T., Reduced kinetic schemes of complex reaction systems: Fossil and biomass-derived transportation fuels, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 46 (9), pp. 512-542 (2014), DOI: 10.1002/kin.20867

Gasoline surrogates

Reduced mechanism for gasoline surrogates (with low temperature)

Gasoline surrogates reduced mechanism (Version 1410, October 2014)

Reduced mechanism for gasoline surrogates (with low temperature).


Kinetic mechanism (156 species 3370 reactions)


Transport properties

List of species


References for reduced mechanisms

Stagni, A., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Skeletal mechanism reduction through species-targeted sensitivity analysis, Submitted to Combustion and Flame (2015)

Stagni, A., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Lumping and reduction of detailed kinetic schemes: An effective coupling, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (22), pp. 9004-9016 (2014), DOI: 10.1021/ie403272f

Ranzi, E., Frassoldati, A., Stagni, A., Pelucchi, M., Cuoci, A., Faravelli, T., Reduced kinetic schemes of complex reaction systems: Fossil and biomass-derived transportation fuels, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 46 (9), pp. 512-542 (2014), DOI: 10.1002/kin.20867

Biogasoline surrogates mechanism

Reduced mechanism for biogasoline surrogates (with low temperature)

Biogasoline surrogates reduced mechanism (Version 1410, October 2014)

Reduced mechanism for biogasoline surrogates (with low temperature).


Kinetic mechanism (171 species and 3754 reactions)


Transport properties

List of species


References for reduced mechanisms

Stagni, A., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Skeletal mechanism reduction through species-targeted sensitivity analysis, Submitted to Combustion and Flame (2015)

Stagni, A., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Lumping and reduction of detailed kinetic schemes: An effective coupling, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (22), pp. 9004-9016 (2014), DOI: 10.1021/ie403272f

Ranzi, E., Frassoldati, A., Stagni, A., Pelucchi, M., Cuoci, A., Faravelli, T., Reduced kinetic schemes of complex reaction systems: Fossil and biomass-derived transportation fuels, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 46 (9), pp. 512-542 (2014), DOI: 10.1002/kin.20867

Kerosene surrogates mechanism

Reduced mechanism for kerosene surrogates (with low temperature)

Kerosene surrogates reduced mechanism (Version 1410, October 2014)

Reduced mechanism for kerosene surrogates (without and with low temperature).


High temperature kinetic mechanism (121 species 2613 reactions)

Low and high temperature kinetic mechanism (231 species 5591 reactions)


Transport properties

List of species


References for reduced mechanisms

Stagni, A., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Skeletal mechanism reduction through species-targeted sensitivity analysis, Submitted to Combustion and Flame (2015)

Stagni, A., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Lumping and reduction of detailed kinetic schemes: An effective coupling, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (22), pp. 9004-9016 (2014), DOI: 10.1021/ie403272f

Ranzi, E., Frassoldati, A., Stagni, A., Pelucchi, M., Cuoci, A., Faravelli, T., Reduced kinetic schemes of complex reaction systems: Fossil and biomass-derived transportation fuels, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 46 (9), pp. 512-542 (2014), DOI: 10.1002/kin.20867

Biodiesel surrogates (FAME) mechanism

Reduced mechanism for biodiesel surrogates or FAME (with low temperature)

Biodiesel surrogates (FAME) reduced mechanism (Version 1410, October 2014)

Reduced mechanism for biodiesel surrogates (FAME) (with low temperature).


Kinetic mechanism (177 species 2904 reactions)


Transport properties

List of species


References for reduced mechanisms

Stagni, A., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Skeletal mechanism reduction through species-targeted sensitivity analysis, Submitted to Combustion and Flame (2015)

Stagni, A., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Lumping and reduction of detailed kinetic schemes: An effective coupling, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (22), pp. 9004-9016 (2014), DOI: 10.1021/ie403272f

Ranzi, E., Frassoldati, A., Stagni, A., Pelucchi, M., Cuoci, A., Faravelli, T., Reduced kinetic schemes of complex reaction systems: Fossil and biomass-derived transportation fuels, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 46 (9), pp. 512-542 (2014), DOI: 10.1002/kin.20867

Diesel surrogates mechanism

Reduced mechanism for Diesel surrogates (with low temperature) 

Diesel surrogates reduced mechanism (Version 1410, October 2014)

Reduced mechanism for diesel surrogates (with low temperature).


Kinetic mechanism (201 species 4240 reactions)


Transport properties

List of species


References for reduced mechanisms

Stagni, A., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Skeletal mechanism reduction through species-targeted sensitivity analysis, Submitted to Combustion and Flame (2015)

Stagni, A., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Lumping and reduction of detailed kinetic schemes: An effective coupling, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (22), pp. 9004-9016 (2014), DOI: 10.1021/ie403272f

Ranzi, E., Frassoldati, A., Stagni, A., Pelucchi, M., Cuoci, A., Faravelli, T., Reduced kinetic schemes of complex reaction systems: Fossil and biomass-derived transportation fuels, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 46 (9), pp. 512-542 (2014), DOI: 10.1002/kin.20867

Diesel + Biodiesel surrogates mechanism

Reduced mechanism for Diesel and Biodiesel surrogates (with low temperature)

Diesel surrogates reduced mechanism (Version 1410, October 2014)

Reduced mechanism for diesel and biodiesel surrogates (with low temperature).


Kinetic mechanism (226 species and 5298 reactions)


Transport properties

List of species


References for reduced mechanisms

Stagni, A., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Skeletal mechanism reduction through species-targeted sensitivity analysis, Submitted to Combustion and Flame (2015)

Stagni, A., Cuoci, A., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Lumping and reduction of detailed kinetic schemes: An effective coupling, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (22), pp. 9004-9016 (2014), DOI: 10.1021/ie403272f

Ranzi, E., Frassoldati, A., Stagni, A., Pelucchi, M., Cuoci, A., Faravelli, T., Reduced kinetic schemes of complex reaction systems: Fossil and biomass-derived transportation fuels, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 46 (9), pp. 512-542 (2014), DOI: 10.1002/kin.20867