Special mechanisms

Download here our detailed kinetic mechanisms for non-hydrocarbon fuels

The kinetic schemes provided by CRECK Modeling at Politecnico di Milano are hierarchically organized: moving from the “Hydrogen mechanism” up to the “Complete mechanism: low and high temperature”. All the schemes are self consistent, i.e., they already include the previous submechanisms. All the mechanisms are available with or without NOx reactions. All these mechanisms are in CHEMKIN format, they are compatible with version 3.6.2 and above.

The mechanisms are freely available.

Please contact us for questions and comments.

Special mechanisms


Detailed kinetic mechanism for HCl and Cl2

HCl and Cl2 high-temperature mechanism (Version 1412, December 2014)

Detailed mechanism high-temperature chemistry of HCl and Cl2.

Kinetic scheme (25 species, 103 reactions)


Transport properties

List of species

References for HCl and Cl2 mechanism

Pelucchi, M., Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ruscic, B., & Glarborg, P.High-temperature chemistry of HCl and Cl2, Combustion and Flame, 162(6), pp. 2693-2704 (2015), DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2015.04.002


Detailed kinetic mechanism of NH3 pyrolysis and oxidation